dtac at your service for the King respect visit

dtac at your service for the King respect visit

To accommodate everyone who would like to pay respect to King Bhumibol Adulyadej at Sahatai Samakom Sala, Grand Palace, we have stationed special dtac service station at Sanam Luang area opposite to Fine Arts Department.

Everyone is welcome to collect various items and use our service to accommodate your visit such as water, snacks, candies, inhalants, cold wipes, fans, trash bags including battery charging station, free emergency phone station, mobile toilet van. and pick-up and drop-off SKOOTAR motorcycle service for people from Sanam Laung to nearby areas free of charge.

Furthermore, we have prepared 4 dtac signal bandwidth expansion vans around the area of Sanam Luang including free dtac wifi service for everyone during this particular time.

Kindly contact us for more information at dtac service station.

Pick-up and drop-off motorcycle service

dtac Service Station

Mobile unit with signal bandwidth expansion device
and free dtac wifi